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2.3 Graphics and Logos

2.3.1 Graphics and Logos Introduction

2.3.2 DHS Logo

2.3.3 Use of Other Graphics and Clipart

2.3.1 Graphics and Logos Introduction

Graphics and logos are used extensively in DHS training materials. They are used to emphasize material and to brand the training as DHS material. They also help to quickly identify which training module a learner is in.


Logos are used in the headers and footers of each Captivate Training module.  A logo has been created for each module. These logos are found in L:\IM Training\New Worker\IM Modules\New Worker Style Guides\Logos\module logos


They were created with Adobe Illustrator by Eduardo Zarate and the source files are in the above folder in these files:

  1. new worker



The final output of these logos are .png files, which are a standard web image file similar to .jpgs.  Below are examples of two module logos that appear on the first page of the final Captivate file. They also apppear in the upper right corner of each slide of each training for that module.  "AP" stands for "Application Processing" and "FPW" stands for "Family Planning Waiver."


ap.png  fpw.png


This is an example of the logo used in the footer of each slide of each training.




2.3.2 DHS Logo

dhscolorlogoweb100sq.pngDHS only approves certain logos to be used for web or print. These logos are found in L:\BEMTW\Graphics\DHS Logos .  An example of the new DHS logo is on the left.


The old DHFS logo that is red is obsolete and should be removed from any current training material.


2.3.3 Use of Other Graphics and Clipart

Use graphics and clipart as you feel necessary, but don't crowd the screen with too many graphics.  You can use graphics from Word, PowerPoint, Captivate, or any other source.  Graphics should be ..gif, jpg or .png preferably.






This page last updated in Release Number: 10-01

Release Date: 05/01/10

Effective Date: 05/01/10