Policy History for 3.6.6 rEDETERMINATION


3.6.6 Redetermination

Review a disability determination when:


  1. The Disability Determination and Transmittal ( SSA-831 ) indicates medical re-examination in item 17 of that form, or

  2. The person no longer receives OASDI ( Social Security ) disability benefits, or

  3. The medical circumstances have significantly improved, or

  4. The person has returned to work.


Complete and/or forward the following to DDB:


  1. MA Disability Redetermination Report.

  2. Signed Confidential Information Release forms.  See

  3. The original Disability Determination form ( SSA-831 ) and any subsequent disability determinations and all prior medical evidence and forms.


DDB will make a decision, which will be indicated on a Cessation or Continuance of Disability form ( SSA-833 ).


Item 9 ( SSA-833 ) indicates the decision of (A) continuing, or (B) ceased.


Item 23B ( SSA-833 ) indicates a medical re-examination date when necessary.  


This page last updated in Release Number : 02/03

Release Date: 07/01/02

Effective Date: 07/01/02