Policy History for 1.2.4 Questionable Items

Release 06-01


1.2.4 Questionable Items Tuberculosis Farm and Self-employment Income


Information is questionable when:


  1. There are inconsistencies in the group’s oral or written statements.

  2. There are inconsistencies between the group’s claims and collateral contacts, documents, or prior records.

  3. The client or his/her representative is unsure of the accuracy of his/her own statements.

  4. The client has been convicted of MA recipient fraud or has legally acknowledged his/her guilt of recipient fraud.  Do not require a client to provide verification for the sole reason that they have acknowledged or been convicted of fraud in any other public assistance or employment program.

  5. The client is a minor who reports that s/he is living alone.  This does not apply to minors applying solely for FPW. Tuberculosis

See for appropriate verification items if information provided is questionable. Farm and Self-employment Income

See 4.2.6 for appropriate verification items if information provided is questionable.


This page last updated in Release Number: 03-02

Release Date: 04/01/03

Effective Date: 04/01/03