Policy History for 5.5.2 NON-FINANCIAL

Release 06-01


5.5.2 NON-FINANCIAL MA Group Voluntary Exclusion  Involuntary Exclusions Fiscal Test Group ( FTG )


Household members who meet all general non-financial requirements (1.1.2) are AFDC-related if s/he is a:

  1. Child less than 19 years old,

  2. Caretaker of a child (3.5.2), or

  3. Pregnant woman, ( medically verified) or,

  4. Under 21 years old and residing in a institution for mental disease ( IMD Institute for Mental Disease ) (

  5. 21 years old, and residing in an institution for mental disease, and residing there since at least age 20.

  6. Essential person.

  7. Less than 19 years old and residing in a licensed foster home, or licensed child caring institution. MA Group

The MA group includes those who requested MA, who were tested and found non-financially eligible. Voluntary Exclusion

Children and NLRR can be voluntarily excluded from the AFDC- related MA AG.  Involuntary Exclusions

A legally responsible relative ( LRR ) and his or her spouse are involuntarily excluded from the group if:


  1. S/he is guilty of Intentional Program Violation ( IPV ).

  2. He is the spouse of a pregnant woman with no children in the home.

  3. S/he is an eligible alien.

  4. S/he is on strike.

  5. S/he didn’t cooperate with at least one of these requirements: SSN, Child Support, or Third Party Liability.

Involuntary exclusions and deeming follow AFDC-MA AFDC-MA is the category of Medicaid that is based on rules for the Aid to Families with Dependant Children Program (AFDC) that were in effect on July 16, 1996. policy ( Fiscal Test Group ( FTG )

The FTG includes all household members who are non- financially eligible or who have legal responsibility for anyone within the MA group.



This page last updated in Release Number : 04-03

Release Date: 08/02/04

Effective Date: 08/02/04