Policy History for 3.5.1 RELATIONSHIPS

Release 07-02

3.5.1 RELATIONSHIPS Adult Child 18-Year-Old Minor Child-In-Common Stepchild Non-Legally Responsible Relative ( NLRR ) Child Full Sibling Half Sibling Legally Responsible Relative ( LRR ) Spouse Parent StepparentParent Non-Marital Co-Parent ( NMCP ) Paternity Claimed Father Acknowledged Father Adjudicated Father Minor Parent Adult

An adult is anyone age 18 or older. Child

A child is a person who is someone's natural or adoptive son or daughter.  A child may be of any age, and may be either married or unmarried. 18-Year-Old

An 18-year-old is non-financially eligible for MA.  Marital status has no effect on his/her nonfinancial eligibility.  Nor is it necessary that the 18-year-old be under the care (3.5.3) of a caretaker (3.5.2) or be classified as a dependent 18-year-old.


Anyone age 18 is a dependant 18 year-old if s/he is:


  1. Classified as a full-time student in high school, or in the equivalent level of vocational or technical training and reasonably expected to complete the program before age 19. or

  2. Carrying sufficient credits to be reasonably expected to graduate or get a GED before reaching age 19.  If s/he is, for example, carrying only 3 credits, but only needs 3 credits to graduate, s/he is a full time student. Minor

A minor is a person less than age 18.  A minor is nonfinancially eligible for MA.  Marital status has no effect on his/her nonfinancial eligibility.  Nor is it necessary that the minor be under the care (3.5.3) of a caretaker (3.5.2). Child-In-Common

A child-in-common is a minor or never married dependent 18-year-old living in a household with both of his/her natural and/or adoptive parents. Stepchild

A stepchild is a minor or never married dependent 18-year-old living in a household with the spouse of one of his/her parents.  That spouse is not his/her other natural parent.


A stepchild remains a stepchild even if his/her natural parent is not in the household, as long as the stepparent is still in the household. Non-Legally Responsible Relative ( NLRR ) Child

A non-legally responsible relative ( NLRR ) A non-legally responsible relative (NLRR) caretaker is a caretaker who has no legal responsibility for the minor or 18 year-old under his/her care. child has no relatives in the household who are legally responsible for him/her.  S/he meets these two conditions:


  1. S/he does not have a parent or stepparent in the household.

  2. The primary person, the primary person's spouse, or a nonmarital parent is his/her caretaker.


A stepchild is not a NLRR child. Full Sibling

A person's brother or sister, with whom s/he shares both parents, is a full sibling. Half Sibling

A person's brother or sister, with whom s/he shares only one parent, is his/her half sibling. Legally Responsible Relative ( LRR )

A legally responsible relative ( LRR ) is a person who is legally responsible for another person  Spouses are legally responsible for each other.  Parents are legally responsible for their minor children. Spouse

A spouse is that person recognized by Wisconsin law as another person's legal husband or wife.  Wisconsin does not recognize common law marriage. Parent

A parent is any natural or legally adoptive mother or father.  A parent can be any age.  There can be more than one parent of a certain gender in a household. Stepparent

A stepparent is the spouse of a child's parent by a later marriage.


Once s/he becomes a stepparent through marriage, s/he remains a stepparent, even if his/her spouse is absent from the household due to death, divorce, or separation. Non-Marital Co-Parent ( NMCP )

A non-marital co-parent ( NMCP ) parent of a child-in-common, in a household where both of the following are true:


  1. S/he lives with, but is not married to the primary person, and

  2. The primary person is the other parent of the child-in-common. Paternity Claimed Father

Paternity has not been established.  A claimed father is not the father for MA eligibility purposes and should be referred to the Child Support Agency ( CSA ). Acknowledged Father

An acknowledged father is someone that has not been adjudicated, but fits one of the following criteria:

  1. Filed paternity papers, or

  2. Has his name on the birth certificate.


An acknowledged father is the father for MA eligibility purposes.  Do not refer acknowledged fathers to the CSA. Adjudicated Father

The adjudicated father is the legal father.  Include him in all eligibility determinations for the child if he is living in the household.  Do not refer adjudicated fathers to the CSA. Minor Parent

A minor parent is a minor who:


  1. Is not the primary person, and

  2. Is living in a household where the primary person is his/her LRR caretaker, and

  3. Has his/her own child under his/her care.



This page last updated in Release Number : 04-03

Release Date : 07/01/04

Effective Date : 07/01/04