Policy History for  3.6.4 Reconsideration/Hearing

Release 07-04

3.6.4 Reconsideration/Hearing

Send Reconsideration/Hearing requests to:

Disability Determination Bureau

Medicaid Reconsideration Unit

P.O. Box 7886

Madison, WI  53707-7886.

Requests for Reconsideration/Hearing must be received by DDB within 45 days of the date of the Denial Notice.

DDB will conduct a reconsideration of the denial.  If DDB reverses the decision to an allowance, the determination and folder will be sent to the IM Agency.

 If DDB affirms the denial, a Reconsideration Denial notice will be sent to the applicant (a copy will be sent to the IM Agency) and the file will be sent directly to the Division of Hearings and Appeals, which will then schedule a hearing.

 If, in a fair hearing, a person is found to be disabled, and the hearing officer does not specify a date for review, contact DDB and request a date to review the disability.

This page last updated in Release Number : 02-03

Release Date: 07/01/02

Effective Date: 07/01/02