Policy History for  3.6.3. DDB Action

Release 07-06

3.6.3. DDB Action

DDB will attempt to process the disability determination within 60 days of the date it receives the signed application.  If a delay in processing the application occurs because the extent of an impairment will not be known until several months after its onset, DDB will notify the applicant in writing that additional evaluation time is necessary.  DDB will give the reason for the delay and will inform the person of the right to appeal the delay. The IM agency will receive a copy of the letter.

A DDB disability decision on a SSDI or SSI case generally has binding authority.  A Medicare or SSDI disability certification notice is acceptable verification of disability.

To check on the status of a disability case, call (608) 266-1565 and DDB will connect you with the examiner assigned to the case.  Direct procedural or policy questions to Terri Klubertanz at (608) 266-7604. Diary Date

Item 17 on the SSA-831 form indicates whether or not medical re-examination is required for recipients not on SSI or SSDI.  An exam is required when improvement is expected to occur in a person's condition.  A date on the box to the right of item 17, "Diary Type", tells you when DDB wants to review the case again.  When the Diary Date is earlier than the current date refer to the instructions that follow under Redetermination (3.6.6). Allowances

Files on persons found disabled will be returned to the IM agency with a completed SSA-831 Determination of Disability. Denials

Persons found not disabled will be sent a notice by DDB (a copy will be sent to the IM agency) along with forms to apply for a Reconsideration/Hearing.  Files on denied cases will be kept at DDB for 60 days.  If the IM agency needs a file after 60 days, call Robin Kast at (608) 266-3300 and the files will be returned to the IM agency.


This page last updated in Release Number : 06-04

Release Date: 10/23/06

Effective Date: 10/23/06