Policy History for 3.3.1 Assignment

Release 06-03

Medical Support Liability ( MSL ) means all MA clients must sign over to the State of Wisconsin all of their rights to payments from:


  1. Court ordered medical support, or

  2. Other third party payors of their medical expenses.  


This is an eligibility requirement.


The client complies with this requirement by signing the application form.  The assignment of medical support includes all unpaid support and all ongoing support obligations for as long as MA is received.


The Economic Support Agency ( ESA ) must give a Notice of Assignment  ( DWSW-2477 ) to each client.  If the client refuses to sign this form, the ESA must complete the lower portion of the form and file it in the case record.  Do this no later than at the time of the interview.  Give the client a copy of the notice.  Do not delay processing a Medicaid application while waiting for the form to be signed.  Do not penalize the client for not signing this form. File the original in the case record.


This page last updated in Release Number : 04-01

Release Date: 02/27/04

Effective Date: 02/27/04