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1.2.2 general rules


  1. Apply these verification instructions only to Medicaid (MA), including Family Care Non-MA (5.13.1) and Medicare Beneficiaries (5.14.1).

  2. Only verify items necessary to determine eligibility for MA.

  3. If an item is not mandatory or questionable, do not verify it.

  4. Do not over-verify.  Requiring excessive pieces of evidence for any one item is over-verification.  If you have all the verification you need, do not continue to require additional verification.

  5. Do not verify information already verified unless you believe the information is fraudulent or differs from more recent information.  If you suspect fraud exists, determine if you should make a referral for fraud or front-end verification (1.2.6).  Fraud in other programs of assistance does not affect MA verification.

  6. Do not exclusively require a particular type of verification when various types are possible.

  7. Do not target special groups or persons on the basis of race, religion, national origin or migrant status for special verification requirements.

  8. Do not harass the client or violate his/her privacy, personal dignity, or constitutional rights.  Respect personal rights.

  9. If a client chooses to provide you missing but needed verification directly, do not require him/her to sign a release form.  If s/he provides you with the required verification without a release and it is sufficient to establish eligibility, accept the verification.



This page last updated in Release Number: 03-02

Release Date: 04/01/03

Effective Date: 04/01/03