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1.2.5 Client Responsibility Assist the client

The IM worker has a responsibility to use all available data exchanges to verify information, but the client has primary responsibility for providing verification.  The client must likewise resolve questionable information.  Do not deny eligibility when the client does not have the ability to produce verification.

Assist the client in obtaining verification if s/he has difficulty in obtaining it.


Use the best information available to process the application or change within the time limit and issue benefits when the following two conditions exist:


  1. The client does not have the power to produce verification, and

  2. Information is not obtainable timely even with your assistance.


In this situation, seek verification later.  When you have received the verification, you may need to adjust or recoup benefits based on the new information.  Explain this to the client when requesting verification.


This page last updated in Release Number: 03-02

Release Date: 04/01/03

Effective Date: 04/01/03