View History

1.2.8 actions Positive Actions Delay Negative Actions Positive Actions

Begin or continue benefits when:


  1. The client provides requested verification within the specified time limits and is otherwise eligible.

  2. Requested verification is mandatory, but the client does not have the power to produce the verification and s/he is otherwise eligible. Delay

Notify the client of a processing delay when:


  1. Verification is needed, and

  2. S/he has the power to produce the verification, and

  3. The minimum time period allowed for producing the verification has not passed.


CARES Client Assistance for Re-employment & Economic Support provides a verification checklist, to notify the client of the reason for the delay, the specific verification required, and the date the verification is due. Negative Actions

Deny or reduce benefits when all of the following are true:


  1. The client has the power to produce the verification.

  2. The time allowed to produce the verification has passed.

  3. The client has been given adequate notice of the verification required.

  4. You need the requested verification to determine current  eligibility.  Do not deny current eligibility because a client does not verify some past circumstance not affecting current eligibility.



This page last updated in Release Number: 03-02

Release Date: 04/01/03

Effective Date: 04/01/03