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2.1.1 application Introduction Right to Apply Affirmative Action and Civil Rights


Encourage anyone who expresses interest in applying to file an application the same day.  When an application is requested, suggest the applicant use the ACCESS online application at the following site, mail the paper application form or schedule a telephone or face-to-face interview the same day.  Provide any instruction and/or materials needed to complete the application process.  Provide a Notice of Assignment:  Child Support, Family Support, Maintenance and Medical Support form ( DWSW 2477 ) and Good Cause Claim form  ( DWSW 2018 ) to each client with children that is applying for Medicaid ( MA ) or to anyone that requests either of these forms.


Make applications available, upon request, to those groups and persons involved in outreach efforts.


Note: It is possible to apply for Medicaid on behalf of a deceased person (  If the date of death is within 3 months  before the application date, determine the deceased person's eligibility as if s/he were alive.  If the date of death is earlier than 3 months before the application date, s/he is not eligible. Right to Apply

Allow any person to apply for MA, including minors.  An authorized representative may apply on a person’s behalf if s/he requests, is incapacitated, or incompetent.


Contact by a client’s representative before s/he submits a signed application form is only an inquiry about assistance. Affirmative Action and Civil Rights

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires a person with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills have an opportunity to participate in programs equivalent to those afforded non-disabled persons.


Notify clients during intake that assistance is available to assure effective communication.  This includes certified interpreters for deaf persons and translators for non-English speaking persons.  See the Wisconsin Medicaid Eligibility and Benefits brochure ( PHC 10025 ).


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires that applicants for public assistance have an equal opportunity to participate regardless of race, color, or national origin.


This page last updated in Release Number: 07-05

Release Date: 07/10/07

Effective Date: 07/10/07