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3.0.10 Communicating Documentation REquirements Communication at Annual renewal Notice


Current Medicaid (MA), BadgerCare (BC) and Family Planning Waiver Program (FPW) recipients receive a letter which specifically outlines the citizenship and identity verification policy. The letter is sent automatically at the same time as the annual renewal notice.  Communication at Verification

Whenever the system generates a verification checklist letter for an assistance group member who is missing proof of citizenship or identity, an additional informational letter outlining this requirement is sent to an applicant or recipient.


Additionally a ‘Statement of Identity for Children Under 16 Years Age’ (English) (Spanish)  affidavit form is sent automatically with the verification checklist if there is someone in the household under 16 years of age who needs to supply identity verification.  IM workers do not need to do anything to trigger the additional information; it is generated within the CARES/CWW system. Worker Generated Letter

IM workers can also generate a letter in CARES which also outlines the requirement and includes the ‘Statement of Identity for Children Under 16 Years of Age’ affidavit form.   Income Maintenance (IM) workers may use the manually generated letter at any time that an applicant or recipient has not received one of the automated letters already. This letter can be mailed to the applicant or printed and presented to the applicant to complete at the time the intake is done.   Instructions for Generating this letter are found in  Process Help Chapter 68.1.




This page last updated in Release Number: 07-07

Release Date: 08/30/07

Effective Date: 08/30/07