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3.2.1 U.S. CITIZENS and Nationals

All U.S. citizens and  U.S. nationals are entitled to apply for Medicaid ( MA ) and, if they meet all of the eligibility requirements, to receive full MA benefits.


A U.S. citizen is anyone who:


  1. Was born in the United States, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam or the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    A U.S. national is anyone who:

    Was born in American Samoa (with Swain's Island).

    : Persons from the Compact of Free Association States are not considered U.S. citizens or nationals.  The Compact of Free Association States include the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of Palau.


  2. Was born to a U.S. citizen while s/he was abroad.

  3. Is a naturalized U.S. citizen.

  4. Is a child born outside the U.S. and has met all of the following criteria at any time after February 26, 2001:


    1. At least one parent of the child is a citizen of the U.S., whether by birth or naturalization.

    2. The child is under the age of 18.

    3. The child is residing in the U.S. in the legal and physical custody of the parent.


Adopted children automatically become U.S. citizens if they meet the all of the above criteria and if they were:






This page last updated in Release Number : 06-04

Release Date: 10/23/06

Effective Date: 10/23/06