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3.2.3 EMERGENCY SERVICES Medicaid  Determination of EMA Eligibility  MA Deductible  Certification of EMA Eligibility  Pregnancy  Eligibility Begin Date  Eligibility Begin Date for non-qualifying aliens who lose eligibility for the BC Prenatal Program.



Documented and undocumented non-citizens ineligible under regular MA due to alien status can be eligible for Emergency Services Medicaid (EMA), if s/he meets all other eligibility requirements except having or applying for an SSN.  Non-citizens may have an SSN and may still qualify for EMA.  If a non-citizen would otherwise be eligible for any type of EBD MA, or any type of Family MA, except BadgerCare, s/he would qualify for EMA.  

Note:  Pregnant non-qualifying aliens may be eligible under the BadgerCare Prenatal program 5.7.11.


EMA only covers medical services needed for the treatment of an emergency medical condition. Services related to organ transplant procedure are not covered by EMA.


An emergency means a medical condition (including labor and delivery) that shows acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) such that the lack of immediate MA could result in one or more of the following:


  1. Serious jeopardy to the patient's health.


  1. Serious impairment to bodily functions.


  1. Serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part.

All labor and delivery services are emergency services and are covered under EMA for eligible non-qualifying aliens.  


The IM agency does not determine if an emergency condition is eligible for EMA coverage.  


The medical provider submits claims for emergency medical services to EDS.  EDS determines if a condition is an emergency medical condition covered by EMA.   Determination of EMA Eligibility


Certification of EMA is not done by CARES and must be done manually.  EMA coverage lasts from the time of the first treatment for the emergency until the condition is no longer an emergency.  Local agencies do not determine if an emergency exists.  Local agency responsibility is to determine if the non-qualifying alien meets all other eligibility requirements during the dates of service and to certify if s/he is eligible for EMA.  

: Determination of BC Prenatal Eligibility is done in CARES.


If a non-qualifying alien provides a “Certification of Emergency for Non-U.S. Citizens” (HCF 1162) at the time of application, determine his/her eligibility for EMA for the dates of the emergency indicated on the form.  If a non-qualifying alien does not have the form at the time of application, ask him/her for the dates that s/he received emergency services.  The HCF 1162 is not required to certify EMA eligibility.  Determine eligibility of a pregnant alien on the date emergency services were provided.  Pregnancy due date is required to determine eligibility for pregnant aliens.  (See and 5.7.11 for EMA certification dates for pregnant women.)


Persons applying for EMA have the same rights and responsibilities as persons applying for regular MA.  S/he must meet the eligibility requirements for his/her type of MA, such as being elderly blind or disabled*, and provide required verifications.  S/he is also entitled to all notice rights and must receive a manual positive or negative notice regarding his/her eligibility.  Positive Notices must provide the dates of eligibility for EMA.  Negative Notices must provide the reasons for the denial or termination.


*If a non-qualifying alien would only qualify for MA if s/he was disabled, follow disability determination procedures (including presumptive disability) before certifying EMA eligibility. MA Deductible


Aliens who apply for emergency services may become eligible by way of the MA deductible.  If, on the date s/he applies, s/he is eligible in all respects except income, apply the same deductible policies (4.9.1) to him/her as any other client. Certification of EMA Eligibility


Certification of EMA is not done by CARES and must be done manually.  When an alien is determined eligible for EMA, complete and submit a HCF 10110 ( Formerly DES 3070).  EMA only covers medical services needed for the treatment of an emergency medical condition.  Services related to an organ transplant procedure are not covered by EMA.  EDS needs a beginning and end date to process eligibility.  In setting the end date, use the last day of the emergency.  If that is not known, use the last day of the month in which the emergency is expected to end.  Use the AE medical status code.  


The HCF 10110 may be submitted to EDS in the following ways:


  1. Mail: EDS

P.O. Box 7636

Madison, WI 53707


  1. E-mail:


  1. Fax: (608) 221-8815


An individual eligible for EMA will not receive a Forward card because EMA eligibility ends when the emergency ends.  


However, women determined eligible for the BC Prenatal Program will be issued a Forward Card, which can also be used to access emergency services under EMA after BC ends. Pregnancy


All labor and delivery services are emergency services and are covered under EMA for eligible non-qualifying aliens.  An alien who gives birth and is eligible for EMA is eligible for a 60-day pregnancy extension.  The extension covers emergency MA only.  The emergency does not have to be related to the pregnancy.  Babies born to mothers covered under EMA may be MA eligible as continuously eligible newborns if all other eligibility conditions identified in (5.2.5) are met. Eligibility Begin Date


A pregnant non-qualifying alien may apply for emergency services up to one calendar month before her due date (See for pregnant non-qualifying aliens who lose eligibility for the BC Prenatal Program).  Certify an eligible pregnant non-qualifying alien from the date of application, if she applies no more than one calendar month prior to her due date, through the end of the month in which the 60th day occurs following her due date.  Adjust the certification period based on the actual pregnancy end date, once it is known.


Example 1: Sara is a pregnant non-qualifying alien applying for emergency services.  Sara has two weeks until her due date, which is March 3rd.  Certify Sara for emergency services from the date of application through the end of May.


Example 2:  Erica applied for emergency services because she was a pregnant non-qualifying alien on March 13th.  Her expected due date is April 5th.  Erica is certified for emergency services from March 13th through the end of June.  Erica delivers her son on March 15th.  Her certification period should be adjusted from March 13th through the end of May.


If a pregnant non-qualifying alien applies prior to the calendar month before her due date and she has not received a service, deny her emergency services eligibility because she has not received a service.


If a woman applies for emergency services within three months after her pregnancy has ended, certify her from the pregnancy end date through the end of the month in which the 60th day occurs.


Example 3:  Vienne miscarries on April 5th, which is more than one month from her due date of July 15th.  Vienne applies on April 6th for emergency services.  Certify Vienne for emergency services from April 5th through the end of June.


Example 4:  Guadeloupe was in a car accident and admitted to a Fort Akinson Hospital February 18 2006.  In March 15, 2006 Guadeloupe applied for EMA for both the February hospital stay and her pregnancy, with a verified due date of Apirl 15, 2006.  Certify Guadelope for EMA from February 18 - through the end of June. Eligibility Begin Date for non-qualifying aliens who lose eligibility for the BC Prenatal Program.


A non-qualifying alien that loses eligibility for the BC Prenatal Program (5.7.11) when her pregnancy ends, or for any reason other than moving out of state, is eligible for EMA from the date she lost BC Prenatal Program eligibility.  Like other pregnant aliens, these women should have EMA coverage through the end of the month in which the 60th day occurs following her due date or the pregnancy end date, if that is known.


Example: A pregnant non-qualifying alien is found eligible for the BC Prenatal Program. Her expected due date is July 10, 2006.  She is terminated effective April 30 from the BC Prenatal Program due to non-payment of the BC premium.  CARES will send EDS a record terminating her BC on April 30, and send a record to certify her as eligible for EMA from May 1 through September 30


Pregnant non-qualifying aliens who are not found eligible for the BC Prenatal Program should have EMA eligibility determined according to the instructions in MEH


Example: A pregnant non-qualifying alien applies January 15, 2006.  Her expected due date is May 10, 2006.  She is denied BC Prenatal Program eligibility due to access to health insurance through her employer.  To receive EMA, she must re-apply no earlier than April 10, 2006.  EMA eligibility continues through the end of the month following the 60th day after the pregnancy ends.


This page last updated in Release Number: 07-03

Release Date: 04/18/07

Effective Date: 04/18/07