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3.3.7. Cooperation Between IM agency & CSA Information MA Discontinued Failure to Cooperate Fraud


The relationship between the IM Agency and the CSA is an ongoing cooperation. Information

The IM Agency provides the CSA with information vital to opening medical support cases. The IM Agency also supplies continuing information, which assists them in providing medical support services. Therefore, the CSA may request information from the IM Agency in addition to that included in the referral and as contained in the case record.

CARES Client Assistance for Re-employment & Economic Support automatically shares client information with KIDS so it is important to enter the data accurately. MA Discontinued

The CSA is notified through CARES when MA is discontinued. Failure to Cooperate

The CSA will determine if non-cooperation occurs. KIDS notifies CARES if the client refuses or fails to cooperate. You must then review eligibility. Fraud

When the CSA has knowledge of possible fraud, they will refer the case back to you. For example, if in the process of collecting support the CSA establishes that a parent is in fact not absent, they will give you that information for appropriate action (IMM, Ch. III,  Public Assistance Fraud Program.



This page last updated in Release Number: 07-01

Release Date: 01/12/07

Effective Date: 01/12/07