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3.6.9 MAPP

When a disability determination for the MAPP The Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP) offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to obtain health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. is required, complete the application process in 3.6.2 above.


Sections 12 and 13 of the Application for MA Disability form ( HCF 10112 ) must be completed in full detail in all MAPP disability determination requests.  Requests for a MAPP disability determination should be accompanied by a letter specifying whether the request is for a MAPP disability determination, or both a regular MA disability determination and a MAPP disability.  It is advisable to have both determinations completed if an applicant may move from regular Medicaid disability to MAPP disability.


A determination of disability for MAPP excludes consideration of Substantial Gainful Activity ( SGA ), while a regular MA disability determination does not.  MAPP recipients over age 65

A MAPP recipient who loses SSDI benefits solely because s/he turns 65 does not need a disability re-determination until the next scheduled diary date.  If there is no scheduled diary date a MAPP disability determination must be done, and MAPP eligibility continued until the MAPP disability determination is made by the Disability Determination Bureau (DDB).    

This page last updated in Release Number: 07-01

Release Date: 01/12/07

Effective Date: 01/12/07