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4.4.2 Elderly/DisableD Total Disregards Partial Disregards


For elderly/disabled cases, apply the disregards listed in &  But count all other money that is derived from any other student loan or grant not listed below.  Use the Student Financial Aids Report ( HCF 16021 ) to obtain the type and amount of the student's aid package.  Also use it to inform the student financial aids office of assistance granted.


See 4.4.3 for instructions on how to treat income Income is anything you receive in cash or in kind that you can use to meet your needs for food, clothing, and shelter. that is earned under the Workforce Investment Act ( WIA ) . Total Disregards

For elderly/disabled cases, totally disregard all of the

following sources of money for education or training:

  1. Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant  ( SEOG ),

  2. Perkins Loans ( formerly NDSL ),

  3. Federal Direct Student Loan Program (Formerly GSL & FFELP ),

  4. Wisconsin Direct Student Loan ( WDL ),

  5. Talent Incentive Program/State Student

  6. Incentive Grant ( TIP/SSIG ),

  7. College Work Study Program ( CWSP ), and

  8. Basic Educational Opportunity Grants ( BEOG or PELL ).

  9. Wisconsin Indian Grant ( WIG ), and

  10. Bureau of Indian Affairs Grant ( BIAG ).

  11. Any other undergraduate loan or grant made or insured under any program administered by the U.S. Commissioner of Education.

  12. Any other loans and grants obtained and used under conditions that prevent their use for current living costs.

  13. County training program allowances granted by the IM agency. Partial Disregards

For elderly/disabled cases, partially disregard all other money for education or training as follows:


  1. Determine the cost of tuition, fees, books, transportation essential to education or training, and day care.

  2. Subtract the total in "1" from the grant, loan, scholarship, etc. total.

  3. Count any remaining money as unearned income:

    1. Only as of when the student gets the money; and

    2. Over the months the money is intended to cover.  If, for example, the remaining $600 of a grant is intended to cover January through June and it's received in:


      • May, count $100 in each of the income months of May and June;

      • July, budget $0;

      • December, count $100 in each of the income months of January through June.


This page last updated in Release Number :00-01

Release Date: 01-01-01

Effective Date: 01-01-01