View History


The lookback period is a period of time prior to application or entry into an institution.  A divestment that has occurred in the lookback period or any time thereafter can cause the applicant or recipient to be ineligible.


The lookback period for divestments not involving trusts is 36 months.  Look back 36 months from the:


  1. Institutionalized person's date of application or review, or

  2. MA recipient's date of entry into the institution.


The lookback period for divestments involving trusts is 60 months from the date of application, review or entry into an institution.


When you count backward, start counting with the month before the date of application or of entry into the institution as month 1.  When determining which date to use, use the most recent date.


"Date of application" is the date the applicant or his/her representative  (IMM I-A, 28.1.0) signs the application.  If s/he does not sign the application, it is not a complete application and no divestment penalty can be imposed.




This page last updated in Release Number: 00-03

Release Date:05-05-01

Effective Date: 05-05-01