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Multiple divestments are two or more separate divestments made within a 36-month period before the MA application date or the date of entering an institution or at any time thereafter.


For multiple divestments:


  1. Add together all the divested amounts of transfers in the lookback period or any time thereafter that are connected in any of the following ways:


  1. Transfers that occur in the same month.

  2. Transfers that occur in both months of a period of any two consecutive months.

  3. Transfers with a penalty period (4.7.5) that extends into a month in which there is another transfer.


  1. Transfers with a penalty period (4.7.5) that extends into the month immediately preceding a month in which there is another transfer.


  1.  Calculate the penalty period (4.7.5).


Example:  Ernie enters a nursing home and applies for MA in July 1994.  In the 36-month look-back period he made the following transfers:


11-1-93 $20,000 cash to a friend

4-1-94 $5,000 bond to grandson

5-1-94 $5,000 bond to grandson

6-1-94 $5,000 bond to grandson

7-1-94 $5,000 bond to grandson


The 11-1-93 transfer has a penalty period of five months.  Since it goes to 3-31-94, it extends into the month that immediately precedes the month of another transfer, the 4-1-94 transfer.  Each of the later transfers, the 4-1-94, 5-1-94, and 6-1-94, occur in consecutive months.  Therefore, add together all of the divested amounts from 11-1-93 through 7-1-94 to calculate the penalty period.


If there are transfers in the lookback period which are not connected in any of the ways described above, treat them as separate and calculate a separate penalty period (4.7.5) for each.  


This page last updated in Release Number : 03-02

Release Date : 04-08-03

Effective Date : 04-08-03