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5.2.3 Financial Tests Assets

There is no Healthy Start asset test. Income

Count income Income is anything you receive in cash or in kind that you can use to meet your needs for food, clothing, and shelter. and income disregards the same way as you do in AFDC-Related MA.  Use the table at 8.1.6 to determine income limits.  Test pregnant women and children under six years of age against the 133% FPL limits for categorically needy and against the 185% limits for medically needy.  Test children ages six through 18 against the 100% FPL limits.


If the group has a pregnant woman, include the fetus when determining the FTG size for both the mom and children.


If any non-financially eligible individual fails and the FTG contains one of the following, go to FFU testing (4.8):


  1. Pregnant woman.

  2. Child with income.

  3. Stepparent.

  4. Non-marital co-parent.  (NMCP)

  5. Non-legally responsible child.


If it does not contain one of the above and fails, determine a deductible (4.9).  Use the medically needy income limit.  Do not determine a deductible for caretakers.


This page last updated in Release Number: 03-02

Release Date: 04/01/03

Effective Date: 04/01/03