View History


When a person who is on a Medicaid extension moves to another county or tribal area, transfer the case to the new agency.  The agency that the client reports the move to must collect information about the changes, for example, the new address.  If the agency does not have sufficient information about the changed circumstances, it must request information from the client, according to the Medicaid verification policy (1.2).  


CARES Client Assistance for Re-employment & Economic Support will automatically set a review date for one month after the transfer.  Correct the review date in CARES, so that it is the end of certification period.  Run eligibility in CARES.


Example:  Jules is on an extension that expires March 31, 2001.  He moves from Waupaca County to Vilas County in January 2001.  Waupaca County must transfer Jules' case to Vilas County.  Vilas County corrects Jules' review date to March 31, 2001.


This page last updated in Release Number : 04-01

Release Date : 02-27-04

Effective Date : 02-27-04