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5.6.9 LOSING AN EXTENSION Leaving Wisconsin


An extension recipient loses an extension if one or more of following happens:


  1. S/he fails to cooperate in providing third party health insurance coverage ( TPL ).  Minors and dependent 18 year olds are exempt from any penalty for not cooperating with this requirement.

  2.  S/he fails to cooperate with medical support liability requirements (6.3.1 and (3.3.1).  Pregnant women, minors, and dependent 18 year olds are exempt from any penalty for not cooperating with this requirement.

  3. S/he loses employment when the extension requires that someone in the group remain employed.


If a condition necessary for an extension is lost, the extension is not regained solely by recovering the lost condition.


Example:  A group has an extension that requires someone in the group to remain employed.  Since no one in the group is currently employed, the extension is lost.  The group does not regain the extension if someone goes back to work. Leaving Wisconsin


If a Wisconsin extension recipient moves out of state, s/he loses the extension.  S/he can regain the extension if s/he returns and becomes a Wisconsin resident again.


Example 1:  Earl, a Wisconsin resident, received a 12-month extension beginning January 1, 1999.  He moved out of state, thus losing his extension.  On May 1, 1999, he moved back to Wisconsin and became a Wisconsin resident again.  He regained the extension at the time he moved back to Wisconsin and became a Wisconsin resident.  


If the time period of the extension expires while the person is out of state, s/he does not regain the extension.


Example 2:  Gloria, a Wisconsin resident received a 12-month extension beginning January 1, 1999.  She moved out of state, thus losing her extension.  In February 2000, she moved back to Wisconsin and became a Wisconsin resident again.  She does not regain the extension because the time period has expired.



This page last updated in Release Number : 04-01

Release Date: 02-27-04

Effective Date: 02-27-04