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5.7.4 Test Group

The BC test group is the group of household members that is tested for BC eligibility.  Include the following in the BC test group:


  1. A child under age 19 who is the primary person or who has a qualifying relationship with the primary person, his/her spouse and any non-marital co-parent ( NMCP ).

  2. The spouse of the primary person (includes a stepparent).

  3. A co-parent with the primary person of a child living in the house (includes a NMCP).

  4. The spouse of a minor parent.

  5. A co-parent with a minor parent of a child living in the household.


Note: a stepparent living with a stepchild(ren) (biological parent not in the household) who has no other child(ren) of his/her own in the household is not eligible.


This page last updated in Release Number : 03-03

Release Date: 09/22/03

Effective Date: 09/22/03