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5.7.7 Deductible Choice Changing a Choice Deductible Met


When a person is determined eligible for a deductible and BC in the same month, s/he must choose between the two.  Compare the total monthly BC premiums for the six-month period with the deductible for the six months.  Explain the dollar amount differences to the client.


You can backdate a client’s eligibility if s/he chooses a deductible.  You cannot backdate BC eligibility. Changing a Choice

The choice between BC and a deductible is a monthly decision.  Once you confirm a choice in CARES Client Assistance for Re-employment & Economic Support, the choice is locked in for that month and can only change for the recurring month. Deductible Met

Once the deductible is met, a client cannot change the choice to BC for the duration of the deductible.



This page last updated in Release Number : 02-04

Release Date: 10/01/03

Effective Date: 10/01/03