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5.8.4 DEFINITIONS Institutionalized Person Community Spouse SSI Recipient and Institutional MA application Institutionalized Person

 "Institutionalized person" means someone who:

  1. Participates in Community Waivers, or

  2. Has resided in a medical institution for 30 or more consecutive days, or

  3. Is likely to reside in a medical institution for 30 or more consecutive days, as attested to by the medical institution.


An exception to the 30-day period is that a resident of an IMD Institute for Mental Disease is considered an institutionalized person until s/he is discharged.


The 30-day period includes situations in which the person resides in more than one medical institution during 30 or more consecutive days. Community Spouse

A “community spouse” is:

  1. Married to an institutionalized person, and

  2. Not living in a nursing home or other medical institution for 30 or more consecutive days. SSI Recipient and Institutional MA application

An SSI recipient who has resided or is likely to reside in a medical institution for 30 days or more may apply and be non-financially eligible for institutional Medicaid if the SSA will discontinue the person's SSI because of the financial effect of his/her residence in the medical institution.


An SSI recipient who has not resided or is not likely to reside in a medical institution for 30 days or more is non-financially ineligible for institutional Medicaid.  The person remains Medicaid eligible through SSI.



This page last updated in Release Number: 07-03

Release Date: 04/18/07

Effective Date: 04/18/07