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5.10.7 effective date

This income Income is anything you receive in cash or in kind that you can use to meet your needs for food, clothing, and shelter. allocation policy applies to persons who:


  1. Were institutionalized persons ( on or after September 30, 1989.  Disregard the length of time they were already institutionalized.


Example 1:  John had been continuously institutionalized for 23 years on September 30, 1989.  Apply the income allocation policy to John.


Example 2:  Mildred has been continuously institutionalized since September 30, 1989.  Apply the income allocation policy to Mildred.


Example 3:  George lived in the community most of the time, but he was frequently institutionalized for short periods.  He was in a continuous period of institutionalization on September 30, 1989.  Apply the income allocation policy to George.



  1. Became institutionalized persons ( on or after September 30, 1989 and were eligible for MA on the date of admission.  The date of admission is the effective date for these persons.


Backdating:  When requested by the client, test for MA eligibility in the three months prior to the application month. Apply the MA policies in effect during the backdate period. For backdate months, do not deduct the spousal income allocation amount from the institutionalized person 's income unless it was actually transferred to the community spouse in the backdate period.  Calculate the income amount and the dependent family member income allocation in the same way as for current months.


This page last updated in Release Number : 03-02

Release Date: 04/01/03

Effective Date: 03/01/03