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5.13.4 Functional Eligibility

Resource Center staff use the Long Term Care Functional Screen to assess a Family Care applicant’s long term care needs and to determine level of care.  The functional level of care information is provided to the IM Worker so that s/he can determine eligibility for Family Care.


The levels of care are:


  1. Comprehensive Nursing Home ( CNH ),

  2. Comprehensive ( COM ),

  3. Intermediate ( ICF Intermediate Care Facility ), and

  4. Grandfather status for applicants who were receiving services from the county prior to the implementation of Family Care.


Use community waiver MA criteria to determine eligibility for clients with a Comprehensive Nursing Home ( CNH ) level of care. Determine eligibility for all other clients using EBD MA criteria.


This page last updated in Release Number : 01-05

Release Date : 10-01-01

Effective Date : 10-01-01