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If a FC case closes for any reason and a re-determination is allowed (see Termination) without a new application, contact the CMO to determine if the client has been served continuously by the CMO beyond the effective date of ineligibility or disenrollment.  Note in case comments any information from the CMO that verifies continuous service.


If the client has been served continuously by the CMO, a new enrollment form is not needed.  If a disenrollment date exists on ANFR, begin another segment with a start date for the day following the disenrollment date.


If the client has not been served continuously by the CMO, or a period of ineligibility greater than 30 days has occurred, a new enrollment form signed by the client and new enrollment date are required.  The IM worker should obtain the form and date from the Resource Center.


Example 1   Sam's Family Care eligibility ended on December 31st, due to lack of review.   The CMO continues to provide services in January while Sam completes his review.  A new enrollment form is not required.  Sam's review is completed, he meets all eligibility requirements, and eligibility is determined prior to January 31st.  A new enrollment date of January 1st must be entered in ANFR.


Example 2  Tillie lost her Family Care eligibility on November 30th, due to having assets over the program limits.  The CMO stopped serving her on December 1st.  On January 15th, Tillie contacts the Resource Center and tells them that she reduced her assets.  Since she became ineligible more than 30 days ago, Tillie must complete a new application and a new enrollment date must be set.



This page last updated in Release Number : 05-02

Release Date : 5-10-05

Effective Date : 5-10-05