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There is no deductible (4.9) in the Medicare Beneficiary programs.  If a person's income Income is anything you receive in cash or in kind that you can use to meet your needs for food, clothing, and shelter. is above the appropriate income limit, s/he cannot become a Medicare Beneficiary by meeting a deductible.


Example:  Mr. George’s net monthly income is too high for him to be eligible for any of the Medicare Beneficiary programs.  He cannot become eligible through the MA deductible process.  If he is also applying for MA medically needy eligibility, calculate his MA deductible (4.9.5).  When he meets his MA deductible, he becomes eligible for MA, but not for any of the Medicare Beneficiary programs.



This page last updated in Release Number: 03-02

Release Date: 04/01/03

Effective Date: 04/01/03