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5.15.6 Financial Assets Income Minors Migrants Family Fiscal Unit ( FFU ) Assets

There is no asset test for FPW. Income

Use the Family MA budgeting rules in 4.1, including prospective income Income is anything you receive in cash or in kind that you can use to meet your needs for food, clothing, and shelter. budgeting (4.1.6).  The following are specific FPW financial eligibility requirements:


  1. The income that is reported in the application month is used to determine the client’s financial eligibility for the entire 12-month eligibility period.

  2. Any change in income or household size reported after confirmation for FPW during the 12-month eligibility period will only be applied to the client’s FPW eligibility if it results in her becoming eligible for a full-benefit MA subprogram.

  3. All changes in income or household composition that result in the woman being found eligible for full-benefit MA will result in her FPW closing prior to the 12th month.


    Example:  Erin had applied for MA for her and her son Mike in January.  Erin was found eligible for BC with a premium, and chose to receive FPW instead.  May 6th she reports a decrease in income that results in her being found eligible for full-benefit MA without any cost sharing.  Erin’s full-benefit MA eligibility begins June 1st and her FPW ends May 31st.


  1. All changes in income and household size will be applied at the 12-month FPW eligibility review.

Use the client’s self-declared household gross income if she is only applying for a MA subprogram, including FPW.  If the client is applying for any other program of assistance, use the appropriate prospective budgeting technique (


From the client’s gross income subtract any of the following deductions that are applicable to determine the total family income:


  1. $90 Earned Income Disregard (

  2. Child Support Disregard (

  3. Dependent Care (

  4. Apply any other Family MA income disregards (4.1.2).

The total family income should then be compared against and should not exceed 185% of the FPL.


There is no deductible for a woman that exceeds the income limit. Minors

Determine the income of minors applying by subtracting any applicable deductions from her gross income.  Do not count the income of her parents in determining her eligibility.


Count any money that is provided to a minor by a member of her household, such as an allowance, as unearned income in the month received. Migrants

See Family Fiscal Unit ( FFU )

Apply Family Fiscal Unit ( FFU ) budgeting rules (4.8) when a woman fails FPW financial eligibility under Family MA FTG budgeting rules and one of the following applies:


  1. The woman has minor children in the home.

  2. The spouse has minor children in the home.

  3. The woman is pregnant.

When testing a minor using FFU, do not include the minor’s parents in the FFU size or allocate any income from the parents to the minor.


This page last updated in Release Number: 03-02

Release Date: 04/01/03

Effective Date: 04/01/03