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5.15.8 Changes

Women receiving FPW only are not required to report changes in income Income is anything you receive in cash or in kind that you can use to meet your needs for food, clothing, and shelter. or household composition during the 12-month certification period.  FPW recipients are still required to report all other changes within 10 days of the change.


Changes a woman reports in income or household composition that result in her income exceeding the FPW income limit will not affect her FPW benefits for the remainder of the 12-month certification period.  The woman’s eligibility will be put into an extension phase (5.15.9) until the end of the 12-month certification period or until she reports an income decrease that is again below the FPW income limit.


Changes a woman reports in income or household composition that result in her income decreasing to the point where she would be eligible for full-benefit MA, may be applied.  If the woman has a request for full-benefit MA on file, she will be found eligible for full-benefit MA.  At that time, her FPW will end.


FPW eligibility terminates when a woman loses non-financial eligibility.  Terminate eligibility, using adverse action logic, if the client:


  1. Reaches the age of 45 years.

  2. Moves out of state.

  3. Is an adult no longer cooperating with TPL, MSL, or Social Security Number (SSN) requirements.

  4. Begins receiving full-benefit MA (7.1.2).

  5. Becomes an inmate of a public institution.


This page last updated in Release Number: 05-03

Release Date: 08/29/05

Effective Date: 08/29/05