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5.16.1 Introduction

Wisconsin SeniorCare ( SC ) is a prescription drug assistance program for Wisconsin residents who are at least 65 years of age and meet the program’s eligibility criteria.  SC began September 1, 2002.


SC is designed to help seniors with covered prescription drug costs.  Eligible participants are issued SC identification cards and may receive SC benefits.


There is neither an asset test nor estate recovery for SC.  Participation levels are determined by comparing the anticipated annual income Income is anything you receive in cash or in kind that you can use to meet your needs for food, clothing, and shelter. of the fiscal test group ( FTG ) to a percentage of the Federal Poverty Level ( FPL ) corresponding to the FTG size.


SC is administered by the Department of Health and Family Services ( DHFS ), through the Central Application Processing Operation ( CAPO ).  County and tribal agencies are not responsible for determining eligibility, but may need to coordinate with workers in the CAPO for mixed cases.  Mixed cases include those persons eligible for SC and:


  1. Food stamps, or

  2. Medicare premium assistance, or 

  3. An unmet Medicaid (MA) deductible, or 

  4. Child care assistance, or 

  5. Are participating in a Department of Workforce Development ( DWD ) employment program such as Wisconsin Works ( W-2 ).

Although SC is a subprogram of MA, only the portions of the handbook that are referenced in chapter 5.16 apply to SC policy.


This page last updated in Release Number: 04-02

Release Date: 04/30/04

Effective Date: 04/30/04