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5.16.11 Re-Application

SC participants may request to establish a new SC benefit period at any time.  However, it is not beneficial for a SC participant to reapply unless s/he will experience a reduction in gross annual income Income is anything you receive in cash or in kind that you can use to meet your needs for food, clothing, and shelter..  The reduction in annual income may occur for reasons varying from loss of income to household composition changes. This could result in SC eligibility at a lower income level  resulting in a reduction/elimination of spenddown or deductible.


Such a change may result from divorce, marriage, institutionalization or death of a spouse, or any other change that results in a significant decrease in income.


To reapply, participants must submit a new application form and pay a $30 enrollment fee per person.  Eligibility will be re-determined for a new 12-month period (within 30 days) after a complete application is received.


When eligibility for a new benefit period is determined, the participant’s previous benefit period is terminated, and s/he is not allowed to restart the previous benefit period.  Any expenses applied to the previous benefit period will not be applied to the new benefit period.


Eligibility for a new benefit period begins on the first day of the month after a complete application is received and all eligibility requirements are met.


This page last updated in Release Number: 04-02

Release Date: 04/30/04

Effective Date: 04/30/04