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6.2.7 Restoration of Benefits

If it is determined that a client’s benefits have been incorrectly denied or terminated, restore his/her MA from the date of the incorrect denial or termination through the time period that s/he would have remained eligible.


If the client was incorrectly denied or terminated for BC or MAPP The Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP) offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to obtain health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. with a premium obligation.  Allow the client to pick which months s/he would like to receive benefits.  Collect all premiums owed for all prior months before certifying the client for the months s/he chose.


If a client already paid for a MA covered service, inform the client that s/he will need to contact his/her provider to bill MA for services provided during that time.  A MA provider must refund the amount that MA will reimburse for the service.  The provider may choose to refund up to the full amount billed to the client, but that decision is entirely optional.


This page last updated in Release Number: 03-01

Release Date: 01/01/03

Effective Date: 01/01/03