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Do not enter the following policies on AFMI or AFMC in CARES Client Assistance for Re-employment & Economic Support, or report them to EDS on the Health Insurance Information form ( HCF 10115 ).


  1. HMOs for which the State pays all or part of the premium.

  2. Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plans ( HIRSP ).

  3. Medicare (enter in CARES on AFMD ).

  4. General Assistance Medical Program ( GAMP ).

  5. Indian Health Service ( IHS ).  IHS is the exception to the rule that MA is the payor of last resort.  For Native Americans who are MA clients, IHS is the payor of last resort. Do not enter these policies on CARES.

  6. Policies that pay benefits only for treatment of accidental injury.

  7. Policies that may be described as health insurance, but which pay only weekly or monthly based on the insured’s disability .

  8. Limited insurance plans that pay only if there is a specific diagnosis, such as cancer policy.  Report them only if the person insured has been diagnosed as having the disease s/he is insured against and if the benefits are assignable.

  9. Life Insurance.

  10. Other insurance types that do not cover medical services


This page last updated in Release Number : 02-04

Release Date: 10/01/02

Effective Date: 10/01/02