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Click on the Search icon in the toolbar to search for a word or term found in the handbook.  Enter the word or words and click on "Go" to start the search.   Simply enter the word or words and the results will display all pages that contain the search criteria.


Searching for more than one word at a time

If you search for more than one word at a time, it's as if the search engine sees an "and" between your words.  It will only return hits for pages that contain all of the search criteria words.  


If you want to find pages that contain either word A or word B, then you would enter "A or B" in the search field without the quotation marks.


For example, if you want to find information on nursing homes, you should enter

"nursing home" in the search field.  Only pages that contain both words will be returned.  There is no need to enter "and" between the words.  There is no need to put the words in quotes.  


If you enter "Nursing or home" you may get some pages that talk about nursing homes, visiting nursing services, the value of a real property home, etc.


Sort order of results

The results are not in order of importance.  Results are sorted alpha-numerically.


Searching for text within a page

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Once you find the right page, it may be difficult to find the exact spot where your search term appears.  It is not highlighted on the web page after using the search engine in the handbook.  You can do an additional search within Internet Explorer in this case.  



Your results will be highlighted on the page.  If the criteria appears more than once, click on "Find Next" again and the next result will be highlighted.  


This search function is available on any web page and is very helpful in finding information on web pages that contain a lot of text.