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1.2.3 Nonfinancial Verification Identity Verification Social Security Numbers Verification Alien Eligibility Verification Disability Verification Residence Verification Identity Verification

7 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 273.2(f)(1)(vii)

Verify the identity of the primary person. If the primary person uses an authorized representative verify the identities of both the authorized representative and the applicant. Identity is the only verification required to process expedited benefits.


Identity may be verified through readily available documentary evidence, or if this is unavailable, through a collateral contact.  Any documents, which reasonably establish the applicant's identity, must be accepted, and no requirement for a specific type of document, such as a birth certificate or photo ID, may be imposed. Social Security Numbers Verification

7 CFR 273.2(f)(1)(v)

Social Security Numbers, or proof that application has been made for a SSN Social Security Number, must be provided for all household members applying for FS FoodShare , including newborns.  Do not deny benefits pending issuance of a SSN if you have documented a SSN application was made.  Failure to provide a SSN or proof of application for a SSN will result in denial of FS benefits for that individual.


Workers receive an alert when a SSN entered in CARES Client Assistance for Reemployment and Economic Support does not match the SSN verified by the Social Security System (WTPY). In such cases, verify if possible with a third party source and contact the Social Security Administration.


If the agency determines that a food unit member has refused to provide or apply for a SSN, that individual is ineligible to participate in FoodShare Wisconsin. Alien Eligibility Verification

7 CFR 273.2(f)(1)(ii)

Verify the immigration (or alien) status (3.12.1) of applicant non-citizens.  If a non-citizen does not want the agency to contact INS Immigration & Naturalization Service to verify his or her immigration status, the agency must give the applicant the option of withdrawing the application or participating without that member.  An undocumented alien is ineligible until acceptable documentation is provided unless the local agency has submitted a request for verification and is awaiting a response from INS, SSA Social Security Administration (verification of work quarters), or another federal agency.


Verify citizenship only when the person or group's statements about his/her citizenship are questionable. A claim of citizenship is questionable when:


  1. The claim is inconsistent with statements made by the applicant.

  2. The claim is inconsistent with information on the application or previous applications.

  3. The claim is inconsistent with information received from another source.

  4. The person does not have an SSN.


Do not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, ethnic background, political beliefs, or national origin when deciding if a claim is questionable. Do not target groups such as migrant any person who temporarily leaves a principal place of residence outside of his state and comes to this state for not more than 10 months in a year to accept seasonal employment in the planting, cultivating, raising, harvesting, handling, drying, packing, packaging, processing, freezing, grading, or storing of any agricultural or horticultural commodity in its unmanufactured state farm workers or American Indians for verification. A surname, accent, or appearance that seems foreign is not enough reason to question citizenship.


In addition, if an alien is applying for benefits on behalf of another person you may, under federal law, only verify the status of the person who will actually be receiving the benefits. Disability Verification

7 CFR 273.2(f)(1)(viii)

Verify the disability status of all household members applying for FS who are claiming to be disabled (3.8.1). Residence Verification

7 CFR 273.2(f)(1)(vi)

Residence must be verified at the time of application and whenever a change in residence is reported. Do not require any specific type of verification.


An exception exists for homeless An individual who lacks a fixed and regular nighttime residence or an individual whose primary nighttime residence is:1) A supervised shelter designed to provide temporary accommodations (such as a welfare hotel or congregate shelter), 2) A halfway house or similar institution that provides temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, 3) A temporary accommodation for not more than 90 days in the residence of another individual, or 4) A place not designed for, or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings (a hallway, bus station, a lobby, or similar places). persons ( and migrant farmworkers.  Do not require residence verification for homeless persons or migrant assistance groups newly arrived in the area. Do not verify shelter and/or utilities (4.6.7) as part of residence verification. That is a separate verification requirement.













This page last updated in Release Number: 07-02

Release Date: 07/10/07

Effective Date: 07/10/07