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1.2.6 Suggested Verification Sources Required Verification to Determine Eligibility Verify Only If Questionable Verify For A Household To Receive A Deduction (Not Required For Eligibility)


Below is a list of suggested verification sources, this list does not include every possible verification option. Accept any documents that reasonably meet the verification requirement; do not require a specific source of verification. Required Verification to Determine Eligibility

Verification Item

Suggested Verification Sources

Alien Status

  • SAVE

  • INS Immigration & Naturalization Service Alien Registration Card (Green Card)

  • Naturalization certificate

  • SSA Social Security Administration query to verify work quarters


  • Current rent receipt that must show address

  • Current mortgage receipt

  • Current lease agreement

  • Landlord inquiry

  • Current utility bill with address and responsible person’s name

  • Check stub with current address

  • Driver’s license

  • Home visit

  • Subsidized housing authority approval

  • Post office statement or collateral contact

  • Library card

  • Voter registration

  • Piece of mail received at claimed residence

  • Real estate tax statement or receipt

  • Weatherization program approval or denial

  • Renter or homeowner’s insurance documents

  • School registration record

  • Letter from employer offering job

  • Telephone book

  • Motor vehicle registration

  • List of residents from a treatment center official, group home, etc.

  • Written statement from non-relative

Monthly Gross Income

Earned Income:

  • Dated check stubs for the previous 30 days with the employee's name or ID number

  • Earnings report or statement from employer

  • IEVS report or computer match from another state

Unearned Income:

  • DWD UI query

  • Pension Statement

  • SSA’s WTPY report

  • Current award letter

  • Current SSA or SSI Supplemental Security Income check

  • Collateral contact with the employer, SSA, insurance company

  • IEVS report or computer match from another state

For Self-employment or Farm Income and expenses:

  • Income tax return for the previous tax year

  • Self Employment Income Report Form(s) (SEIRF Self-employment Income Report Form)

  • Bookkeeping records

Primary Person’s ID

  • Birth record query

  • Birth certificate

  • IEVS match

  • Baptismal certificate

  • Military service papers

  • Immigration or naturalization papers

  • Hospital birth record

  • Adoption record

  • Passport or US citizen ID card

  • Family bible

  • Paycheck

  • Driver’s license

  • Completed SS-5

  • Confirmation or church membership papers

  • Voter registration card

  • Family records (birthday books, genealogy, newspaper birth announcement, marriage license, support or divorce papers)

  • Employee ID card

  • Life insurance policy

  • School records (ID, report cards, diploma)

  • State/federal or Indian census records

  • Medical records (vaccination certificate, doctor’s or clinic’s records, bills)

  • Other social service program ID

  • Labor union or fraternal organization records

  • Court order of name change

  • Wage stubs

  • Voter’s registration card

Disability / Blindness

  • Statement or third party contact from VA Veterans Affairs disability benefits

  • Statement, check, or third party contact from Social Security Administration

  • Statement or collateral contact that proves a person receives a Railroad Retirement disability annuity and also qualifies for Medicaid

  • Statement that a person receives interim assistance Payments made to an individual who has applied for SSI. These payments are considered a loan and must be repaid to the local agency upon receipt of the individual's initial lump sum SSI payment. benefits pending the receipt of SSI and SSDI

  • Statement or third party contact that proves that an individual receives GA and meets the SSA guidelines for a disability Verify Only If Questionable

Verification Item

Suggested Verification Sources

SSN Social Security Number

  • Social Security Card

  • Form 1610 (I-D)

  • Form SSA-5

  • Form 2583

  • Medicaid Card

  • Tax documentation (W-2 Wisconsin Works, Tax return form, refund check)

  • Social Security Administration documents such as award/denial letter or SSA/SSI benefit check

  • WTSP (CARES Client Assistance for Reemployment and Economic Support screen DXSN) inquiry

  • EDS query


  • Birth certificate

  • IEVS match

  • Baptismal certificate

  • Military service papers

  • Immigration or naturalization papers

  • Hospital birth record

  • Adoption record

  • Passport or US citizen ID card

  • Driver’s license

  • Family records (birthday books, genealogy, newspaper birth announcement, marriage license, support or divorce papers)

  • Life insurance policy

  • School records (ID, report cards, diploma)

  • State/federal or Indian census records


  • Birth record query

  • Birth certificate

  • Baptismal certificate

  • Military service papers

  • Immigration or naturalization papers

  • Hospital birth record

  • Adoption record

  • Family bible

  • Confirmation or church membership papers

  • Family records (birthday books, genealogy, newspaper birth announcement, marriage license, support or divorce papers)

  • Life insurance policy

Household Composition (P&P Purchase and Prepare)

  • Written or oral statement from a third party

  • Affidavit signed by applicant indicating food is purchased and prepared separately from other household members

School Enrollment Status

  • Report card

  • Collateral contact with school authorities

  • Current school schedule Verify For A Household To Receive A Deduction (Not Required For Eligibility)

Verification Item


Suggested Verification Sources


Dependent Care

  • Written statement from provider

  • Cancelled check

  • Collateral contact with provider

  • Paid receipt or bill

  • Collateral contact with child a person's biological, step, or adopted son or daughter, regardless of age. care worker

Shelter / Utility Expense


  • Mortgage payment records

  • Rent receipt

  • Statement from landlord

  • Lease

  • HUD US Department of Housing & Urban Development subsidized housing approval

  • Property tax statement

  • Real estate agreement

  • Canceled check for rent or utility payment

  • Statement from person(s) with whom the group shares shelter costs

  • Utility bill

  • Utility budget amounts

  • Statement from utility company

  • Landlord inquiry

  • Deferred payment agreement

  • Firewood receipt

  • Telephone bill

  • Documented phone contact with landlord or utility company

  • Statement or receipt from landlord for utilities paid by landlord

  • Homeowner's insurance policy or billing statement

  • Statements from collateral contact

Medical Expenses

  • Billing statement

  • Itemized receipts

  • Medicare card showing Part “B” coverage

  • Health insurance policy showing premium, coinsurance, co-payment, or deductible.

  • Medicine or pill bottle with price on label

  • Statement from pharmacy

  • Repayment agreement with provider

  • Statement from doctor verifying over-the-counter drug was prescribed

  • Bill for services of a visiting nurse, home-maker, home health aide

  • Lodging or transportation receipts, or both, for obtaining medical treatment or services

  • Bill or receipts for dog food or veterinarian services, or both, for a seeing eye or hearing dog.

  • Bill or receipt for purchase or rental of prescribed equipment or medical supplies, or both

  • MA Medical Assistance, also known as Medicaid or Title 19 case record for MA deductible

Legal Obligation to pay child support

  • KIDS /CARES Interface

  • Court documentation

Child support paid out

  • KIDS/CARES Interface

  • Court documentation

  • Cancelled checks

  • Bank statements

  • Check stubs

  • Written agreement between the two parties


This page last updated in Release Number: 08-03

Release Date: 07/24/08

Effective Date: 07/24/08