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2.1.3 Interviews Scheduling the Interview Completing the Interview Use of an Authorized Representative Signature Telephone Interviews Completing Telephone Interviews Post Telephone Interview Process Scheduling the Interview

7 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 273.2(e)(3)

Local agencies must make every attempt to schedule interviews to ensure that an initial FS FoodShare eligibility determination can be completed within the 30 day processing timeframe.  Applicants eligible for priority service must be scheduled for an interview the same day or the next business day following the filing date.  


Interviews are typically held at the local office, but may be held at a mutually acceptable location, including the food unit’s residence.  If an interview is scheduled at a residence, it must be scheduled in advance.  In many circumstances, a telephone interview ( may be scheduled.


Local agencies must notify each household that misses their initial application interview or review appointment that they missed the scheduled interview and that the household is responsible for rescheduling a missed interview.  The use of Client Scheduling in CARES Client Assistance for Reemployment and Economic Support will ensure that households receive this notice.  If Client Scheduling is not used, notices of missed interview appointments and client responsibility to reschedule must be issued by the local agency.  Keep a copy of the agency notice in the case file.   Agencies may not deny a household's application prior to the 30th day after the application filing date if the household fails to appear for the first interview.


For households that miss a scheduled appointment and contact the agency to re-schedule within the 30-day application processing period (2.1.2), the agency must schedule another interview. Completing the Interview

7 CFR 273.2(e)(1); 7 CFR 273.2 (b)(4)(iv)


During an interview, the ESS Economic Support Specialist must not simply review the information that appears on the application but must explore and resolve with the applicant all unclear information.  The interviewer must also advise households of their rights and responsibilities during the interview.


Although CARES provides a means for an individual to apply for several programs of assistance, FS eligibility must be based solely on the requirements and regulations governing the FS Program.  Applications for FS may not be denied solely on the basis that an application to participate in another program has been denied. Similarly, ongoing FS benefits may not be terminated solely because benefits from another program have been terminated.  During an interview, the interviewer must advise applicants for joint W2/FS that W2 requirements do not apply to FS and that households that lose or decline W2 benefits may still qualify for FS.


The ESS must ask the applicant to identify all household members and their relationship to each other, and if they share food.


Providing SSNs (3.13.1) for each household member is voluntary. However failure to provide an SSN Social Security Number will result in the denial of FoodShare benefits to each individual failing to provide an SSN. Although SSN and alien status information is not required for household members not applying for benefits, the ESS must determine if the non-applicant household member has income or assets that affect the applying household members' eligibility. If so, that information must be provided and verified in order to determine FS eligibility for the applicant household members.


Advise the FS applicant of their change reporting requirements (6.1.1) at the time of the interview.  If the food unit will be subject to six-month reporting (6.1.2), explain the six-month report form and process to the applicant as well.


It is not necessary for applicant signatures to be witnessed by an agency representative for a FS application to be considered complete. Use of an Authorized Representative

7 CFR 273.2(n)

Representatives may be authorized to act on behalf of a food unit in the application process, in obtaining FS benefits, and/or in using FS benefits.  


The local agency must inform applicants and prospective applicants that indicate that they may have difficulty completing the application process, that a non-food unit member may be designated as the authorized representative for application processing purposes.  The authorized representative designated for application processing purposes may also carry out food unit responsibilities during the certification period such as reporting changes in the food unit’s circumstances.


A non-food unit member may be designated as an authorized representative for the food unit provided that the person is:

  1. an adult a person who is 18 years old or older who is sufficiently aware of relevant food unit circumstances, and

  2. the authorized representative designation has been made in writing by the primary person, spouse A person recognized by Wisconsin law as another person's legal husband or wife. Wisconsin does not recognize common law marriage., or another responsible member of the food unit.  


Individuals who are disqualified for an Intentional Program Violation (IPV Intentional Program Violation) (3.14.1) cannot serve as authorized representatives during the disqualification period, unless the agency has determined that no one else is available to serve as an authorized representative.


Residents of drug and alcohol treatment centers must apply and be certified for FS eligibility through the use of an authorized representative. Signature

7 CFR 273.2 (b)(1)(iii)

The FoodShare applicant must sign the completed CARES generated Application Summary or FoodShare Wisconsin Application (F 16019B) indicating that all the information provided is true and complete and that they understand their rights and responsibilities.


It is not necessary for applicant signatures to be witnessed by an agency representative for a FS application to be considered complete.


Any responsible adult FS AG member or a households’ authorized representative may sign the FS application and/or review.


Example 1: Eve applies and sets the filing date for FS.  Jule, Eve’s roommate, who is also an adult, completes the intake interview and signs the Application Summary. The FS application is valid without Eve’s signature on the CAF because Jule is a responsible adult AG household member. Telephone Interviews

7CFR273.2(e)(2)(i – ii)

Households who request a FTF interview must be granted one.


Local agencies should waive the face to face (FTF) interview requirement in favor of a telephone interview unless the household requests a FTF interview.


While a hardship reason is no longer required to allow a telephone interview, the following hardship reasons (if applicable) should be collected and documented at the time of application:


  1. the client is elderly or disabled,

  2. illness,

  3. severe weather,

  4. transportation difficulties,

  5. conflict with work, training or school hours,  

  6. childcare issues,

  7. caring for a HH member,

  8. confidentiality concerns,

  9. stigma from an office visit would deter HH from applying for benefits,  or

  10. other hardship situation.


Keep in mind: Completing Telephone Interviews

A filing date must be set prior to conducting a telephone interview for all new FS applicants. The filing date can be set by submitting a signed ACCESS application, Doc 1/Page 1 or mail in application form.


At the start of the telephone interview, make a verbal agreement with the client that s/he will complete the application or recertification (2.2.1) interview over the phone. Document the agreement in case comments and include the hardship reason for the telephone interview.


Go over the application with the client using the intake or review driver flows in the CARES system. Access the data exchange information for the case and act on any information that you find.  If there are discrepancies in the information, resolve those differences during the interview and/or verification process.  At the end of the interview, advise the client about EBT training available through your local agency. Post Telephone Interview Process

After the interview, if verification is needed, print out a verification list and send it to the client with instructions to provide the listed documents to the FS worker within 10 days or by the end of the application or review processing period, whichever is later.


If the food unit claims deductible expenses during the interview, the food unit must verify the claimed deductions or the deduction will not be allowed. If verification of the deductions is not provided, do not allow the deduction and do not close the case.


If an e-signature is submitted as part of an ACCESS application this meets the signature requirement and the local agency does not need to obtain a signature on the Application Summary.


At the end of the telephone interview, the application or review must be signed by the client to be considered complete.  If there is an e-signature on an ACCESS application or the client has signed the mail-in application/review form for the current interview, you do not need to collect an additional signature. If there is not a signature for the current interview, instruct the client that you will be mailing the printed Application Summary to them for their signature.  The Application Summary should be signed and returned to the agency within 10 days or by the end of the application or review processing period, whichever is later. The application or review is not complete until the signed Application Summary signature page is returned to the agency.


If the signed Application Summary is not returned within the ten day period, or by the end of the application or review processing period, whichever is later, close the case for failure to sign the application (closure code 045).





















This page last updated in Release Number: 09-02

Release Date: 06/26/09

Effective Date: 06/26/09