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3.18.1 Fleeing Felons and Probation and Parole Violators

7 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 273.11(n)

Deny FS FoodShare Program eligibility to persons who are fleeing felons and/or probation/parole violators.


A fleeing felon is a person who is fleeing to avoid prosecution or custody/ confinement after a felony conviction. A probation and parole violator is a person who is in violation of conditions of probation or parole imposed by state or federal law.


Obtain felon information by asking the client at application or review if any household members meet the above criteria. Document the response in case comments.


Upon the written request of a local, state, or federal law enforcement officer when a food   unit member is fleeing to avoid prosecution or custody for a crime that would be classified as a felony or is violating a condition of probation or parole, you must provide an address, social security number, and if available, a photograph to the law enforcement official. This also applies to other food unit members who have information necessary for the apprehension or investigation of another member who is fleeing to avoid prosecution or is violating a condition of their parole.


FS agencies must not require that a photo ID be required as a condition of eligibility for FS. You are only to provide a photograph in the above circumstances if the food unit member happened to use a photo ID to verify their identity. If the ineligible person is still in the home, count his or her income and expenses as if s/he were still a FS group member.


This page last updated in Release Number: 04-04

Release Date: 10/27/04

Effective Date: 10/15/04