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3.6.1 Foster Care Recipients

7 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 273.1(b)(4) Foster Care Recipients Introduction Foster Care Payment Foster Care Recipients Introduction

A foster person is a person for whom foster care is being paid. They are placed in the homes of relatives or other individuals by a federal, state, or local government foster care program. This determination is regardless of the funding source or the age of the foster person. Include a foster care recipient in the food unit only when the primary person asks that the foster care recipient be included. The foster care recipient may belong only to the food unit s/he receives the foster care and meals from. Foster Care Payment

A foster care provider is the person providing foster care for a foster person. Money paid for the care of a foster care recipient is income of the recipient, not the provider.


Count the foster care recipient's income only if the foster care recipient is in the food unit.


















This page last updated in Release Number: 04-04

Release Date: 10/27/04

Effective Date: 10/15/04