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4.5.1 Income from a private non-profit charitable agency

In a calendar quarter, disregard Disregard means do not count, exempt, or exclude the first $300 received by a household from any private, nonprofit charitable agency. If the application is after the 1st day of a calendar quarter, include the entire quarter in computing the excess. Count any amount over $300 as unearned income. Start in the month in which the overage first shows.


Calendar quarter: 3 consecutive months beginning with January, April, July or October.


Example 1: In April a food unit receives $100 cash from Agency X. In May it gets another $100 in cash from Agency X. In June it gets $250 cash from Agency Z. The calendar quarter total is $450. Disregard the first $300. Count the remaining $150 as unearned income received in June.


Example 2: A household received $80 from a private, nonprofit charitable agency in January, $250 in February, and $210 in March. Include the entire January payment in the calculation, even though received before the unit's application date of 1-23-91. The total $540 for January, February & March is subject to the policy: $540 - $300 = $240.


This page last updated in Release Number: 04-04

Release Date: 10/27/04

Effective Date: 10/15/04