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4.7.3 Deeming from Ineligible Food Unit Members

If an individual food unit member has been kept out or removed from the FS FoodShare group, it may be necessary to deem Deem means allocate income, assets, and/or expenses to the food group from an individual not in the food group his or her income and/or expenses to the remaining food group as part of the eligibility and benefit determination. In some cases a pro-rated share of the ineligible individual’s income or expenses is deemed to the food group. In other cases the ineligible individual’s gross income or expenses are deemed to the group. In still other situations, only the amount the ineligible individual is actually contributing, or giving to the food group is considered.


Actually contributing means the person provides a portion of his/her income to the food group. To be actually contributing to shelter costs, for example, the person must pay toward the food group's shelter costs.


A prorated share or share is an evenly divided portion of something. It is the whole broken into equal parts. Divide and distribute using either the number of persons or groups involved. The proration depends on the item being prorated and the reason for the person's disqualification from the FS group.



This page last updated in Release Number: 04-04

Release Date: 10/27/04

Effective Date: 10/15/04