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4.7.4 Deeming and Ineligible Students Student Income Student Medical Expenses Student Dependent Care Expense Student Shelter Expenses Student Utility Expenses Student Income

Do not deem Deem means allocate income, assets, and/or expenses to the food group from an individual not in the food group any of the ineligible student's income to the food group. If s/he actually contributes a portion to the FS FoodShare group, count it as income to the FS group. Student Medical Expenses

Do not deem any of the student's medical expenses to the FS group. Student Dependent Care Expense

Reduce the FS group's dependent care expenses by the amount the ineligible student actually pays or contributes to any dependent care charges. Student Shelter Expenses

If the ineligible student contributes to the group's shelter expenses in a known dollar amount, or percentage, reduce the group's expenses by the amount contributed. Do not include utilities in this computation.


If the ineligible student contributes an unknown amount, compute the FS group's expense. Prorate the total of all shelter expenses by the number of persons actually contributing toward the payment. Do not include utility expenses in this computation.


Example 1: A food unit of 9 includes a FS group of 6 and 3 ineligible students. Three FS group members, and 2 ineligible students together pay shelter expenses of $495. The prorated share is shelter cost divided by the number of contributors: $495/5= $99. The shares of the contributing AG members is $297 (3 AG members * $99=$297). Student Utility Expenses

Food units that are billed for utilities should receive a standard utility allowance. Food units that include ineligible members may receive a full standard utility allowance if at least one person in the food unit is billed for at least part of a utility bill.


Example 2: A food unit of 7 persons includes a FS group of 5 and 2 ineligible students. They are billed for heat, electricity, and a phone and therefore receive the HSUA. One of the students pays toward the utility expense and one of the AG members pays the rest.  Do not prorate the standard. Budget the full HSUA as the utility expense for the AG.















This page last updated in Release Number: 04-04

Release Date: 10/27/04

Effective Date: 10/15/04