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4.7.6 Gross Deeming

7 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 273.22(c)(1)

Gross deemers include individuals disqualified from FoodShare eligibility due to:

  1. IPV Intentional Program Violation disqualification

  2. Fleeing felons

  3. Probation or parole violators, or

  4. Drug felony sanction


Count these ineligible individuals’ income and expenses as if s/he was a member of the FS FoodShare group. Do not include them in the food group to determine the amount of the FoodShare benefit allotment or when comparing the food unit’s monthly income with the income eligibility standards. The FoodShare group’s benefit allotment cannot be increased as a result of the exclusion of one or more food unit members.



This page last updated in Release Number: 08-05

Release Date: 12/15/08

Effective Date: 12/15/08