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5.1.1 Transitional FoodShare benefits (TFS) TFS Change Reporting Requirements Sanctions and TFS FSET Exemption for TFS TFS Policy Exception TFS and Companion Cases Recertification During the TFS Benefit Period Recertification When the TFS Benefit Period Expires


Transitional FoodShare (TFS) benefits automatically extend FoodShare benefit eligibility for 5 months to food units whose Wisconsin Works (W-2 Wisconsin Works) or Tribal TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TT) cash assistance ends as long as:

  1. the member was part of an active FS FoodShare case in the benefit month and the month the last W-2 or TT payment was issued, and

  2. the member was receiving a W-2 or Tribal TANF payment.  This does not include W-2 Trial Job Placements.


The TFS allotment is calculated using the income (less the W2 payment), expenses, and food group size from the month prior to the last W-2 cash payment (benefit determination month). This amount is frozen for the next 5 consecutive months.


If the W-2 payment reopens after Adverse Action of the month prior to the TFS beginning, the case is entitled to the TFS frozen benefit even if there is no gap in the W-2 payment.


If the initial W-2 placement is valid the participant is eligible to receive TFS benefits when the W-2 payment ends no matter the reason it ends.  This includes cases where some of the W-2 payments may be recouped from the household because the recipient failed to report a change or the worker did not end the placement correctly. If the initial W-2 placement was based on fraudulent information and the total W-2 payments are being recovered, the household is not eligible for the TFS benefit.  Calculate the correct FS FoodShare benefit based on non TFS criteria for the months the household was incorrectly open for TFS to determine if there is an over/under issuance. TFS Change Reporting Requirements

The food unit has no change reporting requirements during the five-month TFS benefit period. Changes reported and acted upon for other programs will not change the TFS benefit amount.  When a TFS case moves to another county, a recertification or review interview is not required to continue TFS.



If it is reported that the primary person moves out of the TFS household, the TFS benefit will end and the case will close.


If the agency becomes aware that a TFS household moves out of state, the household’s TFS benefits should end. Sanctions and TFS

If a food unit member is sanctioned in the benefit determination month his or her individual participation status will be frozen for the five month TFS benefit period. If a food unit member’s W2 cash payment ends due to a sanction, the food unit is not eligible for TFS. If a TFS food unit member receives a child a person's biological, step, or adopted son or daughter, regardless of age. support, drug felon, FSET FoodShare Employment and Training, or IPV Intentional Program Violation sanction after the TFS benefit determination month or during the five-month TFS benefit period the sanction will not be applied and the original benefit amount will remain frozen. If a QC Quality Control sanction is applied during the five-month transitional period, the food unit remains eligible for TFS. If the food unit is recertified for regular FS , the food unit’s current circumstances are assessed and the proper sanctions are applied. FSET Exemption for TFS

Recipients of TFS benefits are exempt from FSET participation. The exemption begins as soon as the eligibility worker ends TT or W-2, or changes W-2 from a paid placement to a case management only placement. TFS Policy Exception

Dual participation in FoodShare Wisconsin is prohibited. The only time a TFS benefit allotment amount changes within the five-month period is if a TFS food group member moves out and becomes eligible to receive FS in another case. The TFS group's benefit amount will be reduced due to the change in household size. The allotment amount will be adjusted to the new household size. Income and expenses used in the original TFS benefit determination will remain the same even if the income or expenses belonged to the individual who left the household. This recalculated benefit amount will remain the same for the remainder of the five-month benefit period. Should that same person move back into the original TFS household, the benefit amount will remain at the reduced amount for the rest of the five-month period.  


The dual participation policy is explained to the FS recipient in the initial TFS notice and an additional notice will be sent if the allotment is reduced.


Example 1: Sally and her two roommates share the same apartment and receive FS on the same case. Sally stopped receiving her W-2 payment in June because her only child graduated from high school and moved out. The FS food unit consisting of Sally, her son and her two roommates receive TFS for 5 months. The household size and the allotment did not change because Sally's son never applied for his own FoodShare benefits after he moved out of the household.


If Sally's son begins receiving FS in another case, Sally's FS benefit would be reduced automatically at Adverse Action.



If a TFS food unit reports that they moved into a household with individuals who are required to be included in the same food unit as the TFS food unit, the newly configured food unit must decide whether to:


  1. Reapply for regular FS with the new members and end the TFS benefit; or

  2. Add the new household members to an open TFS FS case (the TFS benefit amount is frozen and will not increase if new members are added), or

  3. Add the TFS members to the existing regular food unit and end the TFS.


Example 2: Rosa, a 20 year-old mother of two, received her second TFS benefit allotment in June. Rosa called her worker to report a change in address and that she and her children are now living with her parents (who also have an open FS case). The worker explained that because Rosa is under 22, she must be included in the same food unit as her parents. She and her parents can decide whether to add the parents to the TFS case or if Rosa and her two children should join the parents' FS case.  The worker ran a simulated case that showed the benefit allotment would be greater if Rosa's parents were added to her TFS food unit. The parents' FoodShare case is closed and the worker adds Rosa's parents to her TFS case. TFS and Companion Cases

The entire food unit, whether or not the individual members are included in the W-2 assistance group, are eligible for TFS if a W-2 or TT cash payment ends.


Example 3: Simon, along with his two brothers, lives with their sister Dana and her two children.  They are all part of Simon's food unit.  Dana has been receiving a monthly W-2 payment but recently started a new job.  Dana receives her last cash payment July 1st. Dana's W-2 payments ending makes Simon's entire food unit eligible for TFS.  Simon's TFS benefit period will begin August 1st and the TFS benefit includes himself, his two brothers, their sister Dana and her two children.



A food group that includes two W-2/TT groups who both receive a cash payment would be eligible for TFS if one W-2 or TT group stops receiving a W-2 or TT cash payment. If the other W-2 or TT group stops receiving a W-2 or TT payment during the five month benefit period, the TFS benefit amount remains frozen at the original amount. No additional months are added to the TFS five-month benefit period. Recertification During the TFS Benefit Period

TFS food units may request a recertification for regular FS at any time during the five-month TFS benefit period. If a food unit requests to end their TFS benefits and be recertified for regular FS benefits, the worker can determine a regular FS allotment amount. The recipient has the choice of which allotment they will receive. If the recipient chooses to receive regular FS benefits and end the TFS benefit, a recertification including a review interview must be completed. Recertification When the TFS Benefit Period Expires

The TFS benefit period will end after five consecutive months. To continue receiving FS benefits the food unit must complete a recertification including a review interview before the end of the 5th month in the TFS benefit period.






















This page last updated in Release Number: 08-02

Release Date: 04/14/08

Effective Date: 04/14/08