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5.2.1 FS-E


Individuals and their spouses may be a separate food unit even if they are living and eating with others if all 3 of the following are true:

  1. They are age 60 or older.

  2. They can not purchase and prepare their own meals because of either:

  1. A disability the SSA Social Security Administration considers permanent.

    1. Some other permanent physical or mental non disease-related disability.

  1. The gross monthly income of the persons with whom the elderly and disabled person(s) (and spouse A person recognized by Wisconsin law as another person's legal husband or wife. Wisconsin does not recognize common law marriage., if any) resides does not exceed 165% of the federal poverty level for the number of others in the household.


When computing gross income to compare to the 165% FPL, do not include any income of the elderly and disabled person or his/her spouse.  



This page last updated in Release Number: 04-04

Release Date: 10/27/04

Effective Date: 10/15/04