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6.1.4 Changes in Expenses

If a customer reports a new expense as the result of a change in the source of the expense, end date the previous expense in CARES Client Assistance for Reemployment and Economic Support and enter the new expense and source. The expense must be verified in order to be counted.


Example 1: Lisa reports on June 20 that she and her family will be moving on July 1. Her new rent amount will be $600 per month.


Her worker end dates her June shelter expense, enters the new shelter expense in CARES for July, and requests verification.


If this change results in an increase in Lisa’s FS FoodShare benefit, and Lisa submits verification within 10 days, her ESS Economic Support Specialist will issue a supplement for July. If the change was reported in July (and verified timely), Lisa’s FS benefit would increase for August.


If Lisa does not verify the expense within 10 days, the ESS will enter an ‘NV’ for the rent and the expense would not be allowed. If Lisa later provides verification, the expense would be allowed effective the 1st of the month following the receipt of the verification.


If a customer reports an increase in an expense from the same source the previous verified expense is counted until the increase is verified or until the next review is completed.


Example 2: Lisa reports on September 15 that her landlord will be increasing her rent to $650 per month in October. She has not moved.


The ESS requests verification of the increased rent by entering $650 as the new rent amount with a “?”. A verification request will be generated by CARES requesting verification of the new rent amount within 10 days. The previous verified expense of $600 is allowed until the increase is verified since CARES will continue to issue the previous confirmed FS benefit while the verification of the new shelter expense “pends”.


If Lisa does not provide verification of the increased rent amount within 10 days, the ESS would re-enter the previously verified expense of $600 with the previous verification code. The $600 expense would be allowed until Lisa’s next review or until verification of the increased rent amount is provided.


When Lisa completes her review, the current shelter expense ($650 in this example) must be verified in order for the expense to be allowed. If the $650 expense is not verified timely following the review interview, the ESS will enter ‘NV’ for the expense.


If a customer reports a decrease in an expense from the same source the new expense must be verified in order to be allowed.


Example 3: Lisa calls in December and reports that her monthly child a person's biological, step, or adopted son or daughter, regardless of age. care expense will be decreasing from $250 to $150 in January. She has not changed providers. The ESS changes the child care expense amount to $150 in CARES and requests verification. If verification is not provided within 10 days, the ESS enters ‘NV’ for the expense and the expense is not allowed.


Since this change will cause a decrease in benefits, adequate time for verification and negative notice must be allowed. The expense of $250 must be allowed until the new amount is verified or an ‘NV’ is entered.











This page last updated in Release Number: 04-04

Release Date: 10/27/04

Effective Date: 10/15/04