State of Wisconsin |
The policy on this page is from a previous version of the handbook.
38.5.1 BadgerCare Plus Cards Introduction BadgerCare Plus & Medicaid Card Image SeniorCare Card Image Wisconsin Well Woman Program Card Image
38.5.4 Pharmacy Services Lock-in Program
All BadgerCare Plus members are issued ForwardHealth cards. These cards are plastic and display the words: ForwardHealth.
Note: Members who were previously enrolled in the BadgerCare Core Plan or the BadgerCare Plus Basic Plan received cards with the program names listed. These programs ended on March 31, 2014.
Members use the same ForwardHealth card each month to receive services on a fee for service basis and/or through a managed care organization, if enrolled. Monthly cards are not issued. Each person in the family who is eligible receives his or her own card for the Benefit Plan for which they are eligible. Members may have multiple ID cards if they have been in one or more of the plans listed above. The cards do not display eligibility dates. Health care providers use the ID number on the front of the card to bill for services provided to the member. Members will know if they are eligible, and for which Benefit Plan, based on positive and negative notices sent from the IM agency. They will also receive separate notices if enrolled in a Managed Care Organization. Members who receive a notice that they are no longer eligible for BadgerCare Plus should keep their ForwardHealth cards. Cards should not be thrown away. If a member becomes eligible again, he or she will use the same ForwardHealth card originally issued. If members have questions regarding their eligibility status, they can log into ACCESS> Change My Benefits or call Member Services at 1-800-362-3002.
Keep a BadgerCare Plus case in appeal status open if the member makes a request prior to the closure date. The member can continue to use his or her ForwardHealth card until a decision is made regarding his or her eligibility.
Make ID cards available to homeless BadgerCare Plus members who have no fixed address or mailing address. Use your agency address or some other fixed address for delivery.
Members enrolled in the Pharmacy Services Lock-In Program are assigned to one primary care provider and one pharmacy to reduce unnecessary physician and pharmacy utilization and to discourage the non-medical or excessive use of prescription drugs. The Pharmacy Services Lock-In program applies to members in fee-for-service as well as members enrolled in Medicaid SSI HMOs and BadgerCare Plus HMOs. Members remain enrolled in the Pharmacy Services Lock-In Program for two years and are continuously monitored for their prescription drug usage. At the end of the two-year enrollment period, an assessment is made to determine if the member should continue enrollment in the Pharmacy Services Lock-In Program. The Pharmacy Services Lock-In Program monitors claims for pharmacy services and prescription drugs specifically. The Pharmacy Services Lock-In Program does not address other types of member fraud or misuse of benefits, such as misuse of the ForwardHealth identification card or excessive use of emergency room services. If a provider suspects that a member is abusing his or her benefits or misusing his or her ForwardHealth card, providers are required to notify ForwardHealth by calling Provider Services at (800) 947-9627 or by writing to the following office: Wisconsin Division of Health Care Access and Accountability Bureau of Program Integrity PO Box 309 Madison WI 53701-0309
With implementation of the ForwardHealth ID card, temporary ID cards are no longer used or available for ordering from HP.
If a member needs a replacement card, he or she or an authorized representative , can request a replacement card by:
Workers may also log into the Partner Portal and select "Replacement ID Card Request” under the Quick Links on the right side of the page. If the member has multiple benefit ID cards, there will be a choice of which ID card to request. A new ForwardHealth card will be created the evening of the request and will be sent out the following business day. Replacement cards are issued automatically when the card has been returned as undeliverable and the member’s address changes.
You cannot request replacement cards using a F-10110 (formerly DES 3070) or CARES .
This page last updated in Release Number: 14-02
Release Date: 05/14/2014
Effective Date: 05/14/2014
The information concerning the BadgerCare Plus program provided in this handbook release is published in accordance with: Titles XI, XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act; Parts 430 through 481 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter 49 of the Wisconsin Statutes; and Chapters HA 3, DHS 2 and 101 through 109 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
Publication Number: P-10171